Purpose The reason we are writing this post is because all attempts to meet with Imam Nick and resolve his...
My hardest Ramadan ever. “Reciting the Quran out loud got us punished.” Listen to Moazzam Begg speak about the hardship...
by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah As people are content with the world, so you should be content with Allah. As they are delighted by the world, so...
When I was 12 or so my best friend and I spent hours looking for hidden meanings in the lyrics of Beatles songs. We played in...
There has been a cross-cultural migration of sorts in the past few years. The first is the migration of Muslim youth towards hip hop (aka the...
Update: Preliminary results added below. Dr. Ali Shehata has a survey online regarding Muslim attitudes in the West. Many non-Muslims are making dangerous conclusions about Muslim...
A couple nights ago I went to a planning meeting for an event at a newly-built local masjid. When I walked into the building a brother...
The Wisdom Behind Calamities: An Islamic Approach Praise be to Allaah. Yes, there is great wisdom behind calamities, including the following: 1 – To attain true...
A reminder to appreciate the blessings of Allah that we take for granted… [youtube _ccgbH0YTQA]
Update: Dr. M has some more info on this affair as well as some great clips from Dr. Shahid Masood. See here. I have been meaning...
I’ve been thinking about this particular subject quite a bit lately… women’s rights, especially Muslim women’s rights, is a big thing now. People like Irshad Manji,...
Here is the third and final part of this essay. Please see part 1 here and part 2 here. With religion playing such an important role...