The walking dead are those who are alive, but they have no life. They have sight, but do not see....
I belong to a book discussion group whose members are predominantly converts. We are currently reading Even Angels Ask by Jeffrey Lang. I’ve struggled through the...
| Intro | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3a | Part 3b |Part 4 | Part 5 | Cross-posted on Dailykos & StreetProphets We...
One day while walking through the Loop of downtown Chicago, I saw something different from my everyday walk to school. I noticed a No Parking sign...
On studying History, we see that everywhere Islam spread, it exerted a stimulating influence on the local culture. Islam revitalized life in a dying urban center...
MM placed #242 in a ranking of ALL blogs on Wikio’s Blog Ranking, based on the number and weight of the incoming links from other blogs...
This is a video of a halaqah from Shaykh Waleed Basyouni given in Houston at the ISGH Main Center on March 25, 2008. [google 6955407427871726894]
I recently attended the MMYC 2008 Spring Conference in Michigan this past weekend. The conference is a annual retreat for high schoolers, and I served as...
This case is one of the most severe cases of injustice that Muslims have faced in recent history. Unfortunately, some of our brothers (like this) have...
Br. Kashif sent us the following email, stating that “[He] received a letter from Ali al-Timimi recently. I [Kashif] wanted to share the closing paragraph with...
Note: This is a short essay that I wrote during my Comprehensive Exams as part of the requirements of the PhD at Yale. The question was...