Following the killing of three Muslim women in the span of three months, the North Texas Islamic Council’s (NTIC) Family...
In the olden days of Facebook, the only way to express your “Muslimness” was in the Religious Views byline of your profile, or by joining one...
Both Obama and McCain didn’t find it funny. You? Funny? Offensive? If offensive, to who? As a Muslim, what does this cover say about you, to...
The latest buzz in France is about a court case regarding a Muslim couple whose marriage was annulled due to the woman lying about her virginity....
Complete Randomness. Avoiding Unproductive Meetings Rockets Sign Brent Barry Brett Favre should stay retired (no article, just a thought) Better than Pakola (that website is overpriced...
Last Friday we posted a khutbah about the ‘Verse of Light’ – you can listen to it here. Below is an explanation of this ayah from...
In the words of his daughter, Leena: “We’re almost afraid to have hope because every time we do, we get knocked down. But, maybe, this time...
Masha’Allah, there is a strong tradition of Muslim women studying the Deen and teaching it to their sisters in China’s Hui region, where the majority of...
‘Abdullah b. ‘Abbas reported: I and Khalid b. Walid went to the apartment of Maimuna along with Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him), and there...
If [(Arab+Muslim+Trip to Pakistan+ …) / (age+ #of prayers/day+ …)] > X, THEN suspect ELSE patriot Ok, not exactly. But Mukasey, a strong supporter of the...
I just finished reading a 3 book set on knowledge that has been translated. The series contains, The Book of Knowledge – Abu Khaythama an-Nasa’ee (d....