“I wish trick or treating were allowed, and I don’t get why it’s wrong. It’s just for fun!” These are...
Shaykh Yaser Birjas gave a talk in New York last week entitled How the Heart Distinguishes. The lecture, as well as the Q&A are provided here...
Retread of Shaykh Yaser’s wonderful article around Al-Israa’ wal Mi’raaj Read here. (You can comment on the old post as comments are closed here) Image Courtesy...
The capture of the butcher of Sarajevo, Radovan Karadzic, alhamdulilah, a few days ago was a welcome news not just for Bosnians, but for all Muslims....
The following entry was originally written by Faraz Abbasi for Ijtema.net, and has been reproduced on MuslimMatters.org with prior permission from the author. RSS icon image...
A letter to Senator Obama from a guest writer, Muniba Hassan, a student of NYU. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can...
“No man, there’s no sex in heaven.“ “If heaven is a place where you can have anything you want, and if I want to have beautiful...
I’ve decided that the open thread is a great excuse for me to dump my half-formed thoughts and ideas that’ll probably never make it into a proper article… as...
Khutbah by Siraj Wahaj delivered on July 18th at MCA in San Francisco.
This is a release sent to MuslimMatters. Please cross-post this on your blog or email lists to raise awareness. This is an important project with a...
story of our beloved Sheikh Yaser Birjas, first revealed on the AlMaghrib Forums from the Heavenly Hues class in San Fransisco. A Tale of Two...