Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger ﷺ as saying, “A strong believer is better and is more lovable to Allah than...
About 4 – 5 years ago, my wife and I would go to visit a Saudi family once a week who would teach both of us...
This is an amazing must-watch segment on 60-minutes. It is UNBELIEVABLE that it was shown on 60-minutes. After viewing it, PLEASE thank CBS and add a...
Gaza: Reflections, Responses, and Coverage Since the Gaza crisis began roughly two weeks ago, MM has devoted the majority of its posts towards responding to the...
*Seminar audio and PowerPoint is at the end of the post. By the grace and mercy of Allah, I have been conducting seminars and workshops at...
Update: See Video below from DEC DIGG | REDDIT | Stumbleupon (You know what to do) Amazing isn’t it how the BBC fell from being a...
You may remember back in August 2008, MuslimMatters helped to launch SignLabs.org, a project set up to encourage Muslims to engage with the Deaf community, and...
Despite the prevalence of anti-war rhetoric during his campaign, Obama apparently couldn’t wait a whole week before launching a missile attack in Pakistan. The Guardian UK...
This khutbah was given on the Jumuah, Nov. 28 at the ISD’s Masjid Ibrahim. [audio:http://muslimmatters.org/audio/Khutbah28Nov2008YasirQadhiHumanConscience.mp3](download)
Yes, we have to still maintain caution in our optimism, but it is also a good idea to sometimes put aside negativity and cynicism, and appreciate...
Students at Oxford University, one of the highest ranking, and most prestigious educational establishments in the world, have begun a sit-in protest, to highlight the brutality...