As Tarek Othman ventures into the chaos of the undeworld city known as Bawah Dunia, his telepathic abilities begin to...
Continuing with last week’s theme of all things book-related, here’s an inspiring story about one sister’s efforts to continue the spread of Islamic knowledge via the written...
DIGG Link Before I go on, let’s pray for the sister’s akhira, her 2 children (4 and 6) stripped of their mother [source]. May Allah grant...
After the phenomenal internet success of the “a wife is a wife” photo-post, I couldn’t resist snapping some photos on the highway as I caught sight...
Khutbah delivered last Friday. Download Play: [audio:]
The British MP, George Galloway, has launched a bold, new initiative to help the beleaguered people of Gaza, called Viva Palestina. On February 14th 2009, he...
Part 1 The following simplification is needed before we engage in a healthy dialogue about the proper scope, strategy and execution of Arabic educational ventures regardless...
Bismillah [Written by Amatullah, based on notes] In the Qur’an, Allah ta’ala uses three words to describe our hearts: qalb, fu’aad and sadr. We know that...
(posted by abu abdAllah) Innalhamdolillah! Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem [February Update! Alhamdolillah, an MM reader attended the originally scheduled January 30, 2009, proceedings, and reported...
From Imam Johari Abdul-Malik, the following news comes on Imam Siraj Wahhaj, one of the pillars of Muslims in America. May Allah give Imam Siraj quick...
DIGG Link Editor’s Note: Please note that the Shaykh has requested a tight control of comments. Criticism is always acceptable on these pages, but if it...