As the month of Ramadan departs and leaves us, it is natural that we experience the post-Ramadan dip, as well...
Link to videos by clicking on button below (new videos will have this tag) The Ramadan Tafseer Series: Quality VS Quantity By Shaykh Abdul Nasir Jangda...
Just before midnight on August 9, the bulldozers moved in and destruction of Jerusalem’s best-known Islamic cemetery was once again under way. The controversy surrounding the...
MM’s Coverage of Park51 (Mislabeled “Ground Zero Mosque”) Cordoba House “Ground Zero Mosque”: PR & Path Forward Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Before I...
It’s pretty common to talk about patience in Ramadan, and in the Qur’an, Allah gives us some practical advice of how to find it. To view...
Conservative fury over the “ground zero” mosque shows that when it comes to the battle for freedom and religious liberty, the U.S. has thrown in the...
MM’s Coverage of Park51 (Mislabeled “Ground Zero Mosque”) Olbermann and Stewart both gave stunning performances on their respective TV shows, in relation to the Ground Zero Mosque. Pls take a...
Link to videos by clicking on button below (new videos will have this tag) The Ramadan Tafseer Series: Through the Good Times and the Bad By...
MM’s Coverage of Park51 (Mislabeled “Ground Zero Mosque”) Cordoba House “Ground Zero Mosque”: PR & Path Forward Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Messaging Failures...
Source: CNN Article by Atika Shubert Cordoba, Spain (CNN) — Muslims in Spain are campaigning to be allowed to worship alongside Christians in Cordoba Cathedral —...
MM’s Coverage of Park51 (Mislabeled “Ground Zero Mosque”) Cordoba House “Ground Zero Mosque”: PR & Path Forward Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 A Public...