Purpose The reason we are writing this post is because all attempts to meet with Imam Nick and resolve his...
Four Muslim brothers and sisters from different nations and communities relate the stories of their favorite Ramadans of the past.
[youtube “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajGlyT2i7WQ”] The above trailer is for a feature length project titled, From Duniya To Deen: a film charting the course of The Deen Show Eddie’s...
Bismillah walhamdolillah. Full Credit to CAIR National for tweeting this story about the apparent hate crime against a NY Imam in the NYC subways: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdMP330q0OE[/youtube] A...
Reason for writing a response to “Joys of Muslim Women” What you see below is a snippet from an email entitled “Joys of Muslim Women” attributed...
By Hamdija Begovic I believe that there is a problem in how aqidah is presented to Western Muslim youth in (some) Salafi circles today. I am...
Bismillah walhamdolillah. Tragically, he made friends with an FBI informant. US law enforcement will speak of what happened recently in Baltimore as the aversion of a...
Like it or not, Muslims struggle with stereotypes that sometimes strike close to home. Last week’s arrest of a young man charged with planning a bomb...
Cable leak reveals Saudi plan of setting up an Arab force to fight Hezbollah with the help of the US, UN and Nato. Saudi Arabia has...
Bismillah walhamdolillah Rumors are everywhere that the notorious, controversial, and newsworthy web site WikiLeaks is down. But in fact the site is on the run, and...
Bismillah Allah has chosen and given preference to certain days and times that are special and sacred in our religion. As many of you may know...
IRVINE, CALIF. – Before the sun rose, the informant donned a white Islamic robe. A tiny camera was sewn into a button, and a microphone was...