Life is hard. It is a testing ground in which we all face multiple trials. Some trials are easier to...
Our very own Shaykh Yaser Birjas posted a short video, which we at MM thought was a reminder important enough to share. The Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi...
Update: We have confirmation from the family that Aisha Khan has been found safe in her home city of Overland. Read rest here. For locals in...
Part I | Part II Empires can be likened to complex kaleidoscopes which change colours through time. For this reason it is difficult to see if an empire...
At this time of year the stores are pushing their sales at us. Advertising is everywhere. There if a frenzy to buy, buy, buy. Let’s...
Dear kids, your blog post could also be featured on MuslimKidsMatter like the one below! Send in your contribution and inshā’Allāh, it may just be published...
Cross-posted There was a brief moment when civil libertarians were stunned to see President Barack Obama actually take a stand in favor of civil liberties after...
Unemployment Series Interviewer: “So do you have any questions about our company or the position?” Muslim: “I need off every Friday from 1pm to 3pm. Is...
By: Kashif Naseem Dilkusha Every morning when we rise from our sleep and open our eyes, we see the roof and walls of our room,...
Unemployment Series Being out of a job does not equate to being out of work. There are plenty of opportunities out there to keep yourself busy...
By Sabrina Holcomb Debate team champion, Autena Torbati, lives by her words. So the day a debate teammate announced to the class he would have “liked...