A waitress in a small town diner encounters a Muslim family that rekindles her connection to faith and Ramadan.
Iya Alhaja e dide nile, nitori Oloun, saari ti too gbo! Baba Alhaji e dide nile, nitori Oloun, nafila ti...
By: Hina Khan The conversion ceremony was a very frigid one. I was looking for acceptance; they were looking for submission. In a room full of...
On a dark and stormy night in the dark cave of man’s mind, Shaitaan once lit a campfire and settled down to tell a story-. It...
by Ammar Alshukry Years ago I was walking down the street with a mentor of mine and he was discussing the importance of reading books. He...
Selling Bracelets for the Poor by Adeeba Allimulla A new craze with kids these days has craft stores scrambling to keep rubber bands stocked on their shelves....
The Prophet remarked: ‘The best of you is the one who learns the Qur’an and teaches it to others.’1 For Muslims, notwithstanding the sheer beauty of...
O Allah, none has the right to be worshipped except You alone. And, O Allah, I bear witness that Muhammad is Your servant and messenger! Perhaps it...
Lecture by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi | Transcribed by Zara T. This is Part 1 of the Seerah series, click to read Part 2. [The following is...
Today’s scholars, are faced with a task, that scholars of previous times, did not have to reckon with; before the age of globalization, scholars would render...
The collapse of Rana Plaza, a garment manufacturing complex in Bangladesh, which killed 1,134 workers, sent shockwaves around the globe this past April. Just a few...
When it was confirmed that I was to be married and the dates for the event set, family members went into a flurried pseudo-state of panic...