Over fifty imams and Islamic academics have written an open letter to Senator Chris Van Hollen, urging him to stand...
By Kiran Malik-Khan “Mom, are we going to leave Canada?” Shahzaib, my almost 10-year-old’s voice was laced with nervousness, his big brown eyes filled with a...
Louis splashed water on his face and pulled on a t-shirt. Watching Hassan walk out had felt like watching his last chance go up in a...
By Yavus Selim At times of great tribulation and turmoil, the first casualty is always the truth. Why? Because the greatest weapon in the hands of...
We frequently hear the “I have a Dream” speech by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Children who attend school in the USA are taught quotes from...
Sr. Nazma Khan recently spoke at the Rad Talks conference about World Hijab Day, a movement she started: February 1st, 2013, marked the first annual World...
By: Chereen Practimate created a unique survey, one that dives into matters of divorce amongst Muslims. This survey was unique, in that it is the first...
It was something I learned very young: Never say the word kaafir. I didn’t know Arabic at the time, but I knew it was worse than...
Question: My parents had a turbulent marriage: full-on warfare and not pretty to watch growing up. I grew up highly conflicted about how I felt about...
British history classes do well to teach the World Wars, the abolition of slavery and the French Revolution(s). But one thing you may not have heard...
Several days had gone by since he had read the Quran, and his mind kept returning to the verses he had read, but he didnโt want...