Part of the beauty of Islam is that it provides us with many types of mothers. No matter the circumstances...
“…So give me a call, Aliyah. I think this may be the one.” Aliyah rolled her eyes as she deleted the voicemail message then pressed the...
Here’s a little exercise. Try naming 5 prominent Muslims of African origin from the history of Islam. Pick from any period right from the early Makkan...
There have been two knee-jerk reactions in response to the release of Dolce and Gabbana’s hijab and abaya collection: The Allure of the Middle East; First...
When things that you thought were entirely unrelated to each other come together, it is a joy and a relief. A joy because you experience firsthand...
This is the final chapter and epilogue to Ouroboros and the entire series. Will Hassan find Lena? Will he return to Jamilah? All the loose ends...
by Namira Islam My father was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer in September 2014. His only symptom was a persistent mild cough and some weight...
My first taste of racism occurred in kindergarten, where my classmates barred me from drinking out of the water fountains. When I was in fourth grade,...
My mother, a single parent who also raised a grandchild, paid our health insurance diligently on her meagre wages until we were well into our 20s....
As mentioned in a previous article, Sūrah al-Fātiḥah revolves around discussing the three basic principles of Islam. Namely, belief in Allah , following the Prophet ,...
Stupid, horrible, weak losers On December 5 of last year, the New York Times published its analysis of 95,000 words uttered by Republican presidential candidate Donald...