AMEEN has prepared three anonymous education-related surveys in which American Muslims are requested to participate.
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. “When My slaves ask you [O Muhammad] about me, [tell them] I am near; I respond...
Islam is a complete and comprehensive religion. All the guidance that we could possibly need can be found within the teachings of the Qur’ān and Sunnah....
Everyone in the United States with some basics civics knowledge knows that the Constitution of the United States has a bill of rights with 10 Amendments...
Recent social media conversations amongst American Muslims indicate that American Muslim laity have fallen victim to an anti-intellectual trend which has gripped American culture. Anti-intellectualism is...
There was no doubt. It was clearly Jamilah Al-Husayni. My cousin. I hadnโt seen her in three years, but Iโd recognize that uncompromising, sharp-nosed visage anywhere.
Melanie was verbally and physically abused through childhood. But Melanie’s obligation was to love and honor her mother, she told herself. This is what Melanie believed...
A few nights ago, a little boy went missing from our community. It was a horrible, cold night that his mother spent in the masjid where...
“…then he (Moses) went back to the shade and said, “My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need.”...
Dr. Ehab had lied to me. Tarek didnโt have any job in Palm Springs. He was in a drug rehab facility. I shook my head in...
I believe in Islam. Not just as a way, but as the way. Not just as an interpretation of the truth, but as the truth. That...