AMEEN has prepared three anonymous education-related surveys in which American Muslims are requested to participate.
By Brandon Estes I begin with the name of The Most Merciful, Most Loving, Allah, Creator of all that exists I must, must, must address this...
Dear Sisters and Brothers, My father died recently. And when I wasn’t nursing my irreparably broken heart or praying for his everlasting happiness in the gardens...
By Menahal Begawala When I became a therapist I had a vision of helping people get through hard times, communicate better with their families, and develop...
When I think of America, one word comes beaming at me like a star on the spangled banner: “Jihad.” As is always the case when this...
By Ibrahim Mohammad The last two years have been surreal for me. When you’re imprisoned with no access to the outside world or to fresh air...
By Gareth Bryant The Bilal Movie is actually a Sucka-Emcee Production: Bilāl ibn-Rabāh (May Allah be pleased with him) actually was Arab via his father Rabah,...
“There is no good in her, she is one of the people of hell.” That was a statement said by Allah’s Prophet ﷺ about someone who...
By Umm Muhammad As a mother of a preteen, who gets easily hooked on cartoon characters and conventional superheroes, I not only wanted, I needed the...
By Zeena Alkurdi [This review is based on the English version of the movie. The versions in other languages may differ slightly.] The first time I watched...
Updated: Layla Abdullah-Poulos reviews the movie on her blog NBA Muslims. The movie Bilal: a New Breed of Hero connected with me as a descendant of slaves and inheritor...