As adults, we look forward to Ramadhaan as a time of increased spirituality and a more concerted effort at increasing our ‘ebaadah. In preparation, we read...
Here is a guest article entitled, “Domestic Violence – A Societal Imperfection With No Place In A Perfect Religion” by Asma Hanif, contributing writer for Muslim...
The so-called “” (see document here) cooked up by a several Muslim organizations in UK gets a scathing review by Shaykh Haitham al-Haddad. Shaykh Tawfique Chowdhury...
We all face the same issues in our communities with masjid administration issues. While trying to write my thoughts on the issue, I came across this...
The latest buzz in France is about a court case regarding a Muslim couple whose marriage was annulled due to the woman lying about her virginity....
Texas Dawah Convention just partnered up with to produce for the initial reliease of the audios for the lectures that have been recorded in TDC...
The following article was written by Abu Shoaib Ashmead Choat, a very dear family friend of ours. He visited Houston a few years ago and gave...
As I was formulating my thoughts on this post, I finally got around to burning a certain lecture by Yasir Qadhi on CD and listening to...
On studying History, we see that everywhere Islam spread, it exerted a stimulating influence on the local culture. Islam revitalized life in a dying urban center...
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi gave a khutbah at Islamic Foundation masjid in Villa Park, IL last Friday. He was in town to attend the Americal Oriental Society’s...