Editorial Note: This column is an op-ed [opposite editorial] and does not reflect the views of MuslimMatters. MuslimMatters’ original piece on the topic can be found...
On April 13, 1919, the 9th Gurkhas, 54th Sikhs & 59th Sind Rifles, on the orders of Col. Dyer, fired on an unarmed, peaceful crowd gathered...
By Raja AbdulHaq At the peak of the Algerian resistance against French colonialism, colonial officials started adopting a new strategy to destroy the Algerian resistance from...
So I’ve learned a few things over the last couple of days. First, I want to apologize to those hurt by how I addressed the topic...
Having never been involved with the Islamic Society of North America before joining as the Secretary General in 2014, I am interested in the history of...
The main idea behind Countering Violent Extremism (CVE), is that there is a way to intelligently articulate a future “path” to something called “radicalization” by Muslims, and...
By Shehzade Mustafa There are far too many conspiracy theories thrown about in the Muslim world. You won’t have to go far to find someone convinced...
By Shehzade Mustafa Bugünlerde ṣaṣırmak eskisine nazaran daha zor, fakat bazen bazi medyanın cüreti karṣısında ṣaṣkınlıḡa düṣmemek elde deḡil. Aṣaḡida bulunan liste sorumsuzca, yalan yanliṣ ve...
This article contains many extensive notes, rendered here as end notes. To download a PDF version in footnote format for easier reading and navigation of the...
OpEd By Maha Hilal Two days ago, President Obama revealed his plan to finally close Guantanamo Bay. Numerous critiques of his plan have emerged, including the...