We have all seen the heart-breaking images of the effects of the oil-spill on nature and livelihood. As true friends of earth, and vindicating Prince Charles’s...
Things are going down the hill pretty fast as far as Muslims are concerned in America. It’s time to take some action. Take no more than...
Update: Since the Senate Bill was signed into law, some people may think that there is not much else that can be done. Living here in...
The following is a message from brother Ahmed ibn Ambroise; a Muslim based in Haiti. JazakAllah khair to brother Tariq, President of SOAS Islamic Society, for...
*Update from Yasir Qadhi added I have almost been scared to watch the news because it is difficult to come to grips with the devastation in...
Bismillah I have always known Swat to be popular and much-visited for its picturesque valleys and beautiful landscape. Many a Pakistani tourist has enjoyed frolicking on its...
*MM is requesting all readers to join our initial campaign of $2000 $5000 (see bottom). If you make a donation, pls add a comment to encourage...
(posted by abu abdAllah) Innalhamdolillah! Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem [February Update! Alhamdolillah, an MM reader attended the originally scheduled January 30, 2009, proceedings, and reported...
Message received from a reader. Please take a minute to click through and send a note to your congressman: Weeks after the Israeli bombs stopped, the...
Update: See Video below from DEC DIGG |Â REDDIT |Â Stumbleupon (You know what to do) Amazing isn’t it how the BBC fell from being a...