Link to videos by clicking on button below (new videos will have this tag) The Ramadan Tafseer Series: The People of Jannah By Shaykh Abdul Nasir...
Link to all Ramadan 2010 posts On Sunday August 22nd, I was the guest on the God Show at KTAR 92.3 FM in Phoenix, AZ.ย Discussion...
Link to all Ramadan 2010 Posts The following isย a translation of the second part toย the work of Al-Hafidh ibn Rajab al-Hanbali (rahimahullah) on the last 10...
Link to all Ramadan 2010 posts This year, I am enjoying the benefits of praying Tarawih behind Mufti Ismail Menk and listening to his powerful Tafseer...
Link to videos by clicking on button below (new videos will have this tag) The Ramadan Tafseer Series: Harvest of the Hereafter By Shaykh Abdul Nasir...
Link to videos by clicking on button below (new videos will have this tag) The Ramadan Tafseer Series: Repentance By Shaykh Abdul Nasir Jangda
Link to videos by clicking on button below (new videos will have this tag) The Ramadan Tafseer Series: Living the Quran By Shaykh Abdul Nasir Jangda
Link to all Ramadan 2010 posts By Sh. Haitham Al-Haddad cross-posted with permission from I call upon committee members and Imฤms to seek the pleasure...
This year Ramadan coincides with the first day of school for many families. Realizing that many of our Muslim brothers and sisters do choose the public...
Link to videos by clicking on button below (new videos will have this tag) The Ramadan Tafseer Series: Who is Muhammad (PBUH)? By Shaykh Abdul Nasir...