This video is addressed to women in a domestic abuse situation, especially those who are advised to stay in situation misusing the concept of tawakkul and...
Though we recognized that we were a practicing Sunni family and they were dedicated followers of Bhori-Shiism, we did not use our differences to set us...
An introduction to upcoming video series on issues related to females and teens, presented by Umm Reem, exclusively for
Questioning Faith The other day, a Muslim teen asked me the purpose of prayer. Why should we believe in God? Why do bad things happen to...
In August, Muslimmatters collaborated on MuslimARC’s #MuslimYouthRising initiative to highlight the achievements of American Muslim youth. We are extending this into a series where we will continue...
The intent of this post is not to create an advocacy one way or another on the following 3 issues, but to create a discussion. Take...
[Ed Note] The Muslimmatter Family offers their condolences to the family of Sr Tayyibah and to the staff of Azizah Magazine. May Allah forgive her and...
[alert type=red ]CONDEMN THIS NOW[/alert] Here are four thoughts that normally go through my head when folks ask for individual American Muslims to condemn some...
Back Story: Dr. Tariq Ramadan, a prominent Muslim academic and writer, announced that he was going to boycott the ISNA and RIS conferences this year. His contention with ISNA...
As I write this post, it is the last Jumuah of Ramadan, the 27th fast here in London. The new moon of Shawwal is almost upon...