Sh. Waleed Basyouni on recent events in Egypt, audio available here [audio:] By Alima Ashfaq I’m not sure about you, but when I saw the...
The Need for Understanding and Tolerance Reading the highly charged words exchanged between Muslims in the past two weeks over the issue of Tunisia, and now...
Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah The recent events in Egypt have left us all completely and totally astounded. The mass protests, organized via impromptu SMS texts and...
The following is a translation of Dr. Qaradawi’s statement (in Arabic) posted on IslamToday Translated by Dr. Ali Shehata Today, on Saturday 1/29/11, Sheikh Dr. Yusuf...
Update VIII The regime could not stop the Jummah prayers. People are speaking in a unified voice.. Predident Mubarak has not spoken about this situation. People...
As of Sunday January 23rd, several international news outlets have obtained what has been dubbed the Palestine Papers. For those just now tuning in, these papers... (this takes you to the REAL google site. If it doesn’t work, click here. You can type Israel Admits yourself too in google). Courtesy...
As it retreats into greater indifference toward global opinion, Israel has come to rely on cynical appeals to American technophiles and evangelical Christians. Spencer Ackerman on...
Glenn Greenwald sheds light on the peculiar style of coverage main stream western media adopted as the tragic events of the Freedome Flotilla unfolded: It was...
Florida Muslim radio-host debates the Israeli Consul General. Full of important talking points to refute the Israeli Spin. The new hasbara buzzwords: “lynch-mob” and “Armada of...