Following the shocking murders in Paris, condemned by Muslims all over the world, and subsequent moves to depict the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once...
In this timely khutbah, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi gives his frank comments on the recent killing of the cartoonists in France. The Prophet was sent as...
Warning: contains scenes some viewers might find disturbing In March 2012, reports of a hunger strike at Guantanamo Bay, the US detention camp in Cuba, began...
“Our Prophet was verbally abused and physically harassed multiple times in Makkah. Never ONCE did any of the Companions go and murder those who did such...
What Should Muslim Kids Do After a Tragedy A week ago, I had never even known that a Charlie Hebdo newspaper existed. ย Unfortunately, my blissful ignorance...
60,000+ households in Detroit had their water disconnected because they couldn’t afford the bill. Michigan Muslim Community Council and Islamic Relief USA stepped in to help....
Acts of terrorism are un-Islamic acts; this applies to all acts of terrorism, such as the recent attacks in France, Australia, and Pakistan. There has been...
Canada is taking the lead role in banning barbaric cultural practices. Nay, I should rather say, itโs taking a lead role in banning practices that the...
The Lord of the Rings (LOTR): long books, totally epic movies. ย However, letโs put aside the huge productions that are the movies and the intricacies that...
By Dr Maha Hilal Last week, the Senate Select Committee Intelligence released a report on the detention and interrogations programs that were run by the...