If there is an untold story that needs to echo throughout the world, it is one of Uzbekistan. It is a story of one of the...
Remember the headline in neocon-central, right-wing noise, FOX sister newspaper, Washington Times: “How the Imams Terrorized an Airliner”? IN YOUR FACE WT! On the heels of...
*If you and your blog (if you have one) supports this call, then we’ll add you to the list of supporters at the bottom of this...
Nothing really earth-shattering here. Bush’s regime has been always one that wanted to expand executive powers, while compromising the basic tenets of the Constitution of the...
Cross-posted (slightly modified version) on Dailykos.com and Streetprophets.com When I first heard of Mukasey’s name being waved around for attorney general, I did the obvious: I...
Update: Please check this new article in the NYT defending Sr. Debbie and spread the word on your blogs (hat tip to br. Tariq and muslimmetthod)....
Cross-posted on Daily Kos here. UPDATE: The “ardent Zionist” interim Principal is now the PERMANENT Principal. Why am I not surprised? Justย read the way the...
The video below (you MUST see it) refreshed my memories of the Gujarat massacre that occurred in Spring 2002. On the pretext of a “Muslim attack...
This is a letter I was forwarded that was written by a sister who was the victim of some harassment for nothing more than being Muslim....
In memory of our sister, Abeer al-Janabi… 1996: Three US Servicemen were convicted of raping a 12-year Japanese girl. On the trial’s opening day, Gill (one...