Following the shocking murders in Paris, condemned by Muslims all over the world, and subsequent moves to depict the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once...
Warning: contains scenes some viewers might find disturbing In March 2012, reports of a hunger strike at Guantanamo Bay, the US detention camp in Cuba, began...
60,000+ households in Detroit had their water disconnected because they couldn’t afford the bill. Michigan Muslim Community Council and Islamic Relief USA stepped in to help....
14. Gaza was in our thoughts and duas- we blacked out for a day to remind folks about why Israel Was Under Rocket Attack and Why...
Assalam alaykum wa rahmatulah Readers, We are pleased to announce a blessed addition to our list of scholars and columnists. Shaykh Mohammad Akram Nadwi is an...
In August, Muslimmatters collaborated on MuslimARC’s #MuslimYouthRising initiative to highlight the achievements of American Muslim youth. We are extending this into a series where we will continue...
[alert type=green ]Send a Letter to Your President, Senator and Congressperson[/alert] The escalation in and around the Gaza Strip is causing terrible suffering to people— to...
The Guardian is currently running a project on the experiences of Muslims in Britain. They asked the British members of the MuslimMatters team to respond as...
Question: As the blessed month of Ramadan is here, can you please advise nursing mothers who choose to fast how to best manage the long hours...
By Andrew Day In Solidarity with the residences of the the Gaza Strip: the world largest open air prison. There are protests worldwide scheduled over the...