The audio from the Ramadan conference call is edited and now available here for download. We would like to thank Shaykh Yaser Birjas and Shaykh Yasir...
What Everyone Should Know About Ramadhaan Fasting in Ramadhaan is one of the pillars of Islam It is obligatory for every sane, healthy, mature, resident Muslim...
*As with all MM materials, please feel free to download for personal use. And link (not upload) for cross-posting. JazakumAllahkhair* MuslimMatters is continuing its Ramadan kick...
Note: This has been written in direct response to something that happened locally, but which I think is general enough to apply to everyone and everywhere...
AlMaghrib Radio on Demand is back. Thursday, August 30, 2007 7:00pm – 10:00pm (EST) This time with one of AlMaghrib’s newest instructors – Shaykh Riad Ouarzazi...
I was browsing and came across an interesting article (full text at the end of the post) regarding the ayah, O assembly of jinns and...
There are few talks I listed to that floor me as ‘gem-filled’ but this talk by Imam Suhaib Webb was one of them. It is one...
Updated: Formatting/links fixed Online porn addiction is a serious problem, not just for Muslims. See this article: Two in five Internet users visited an online adult...
I recently spent a few weeks in Fez, Morocco–an icon of what many call “traditional Islam.” Fez is often described as a fully preserved medieval city,...
ย Prayer. As-Salaah. Five times a day, every day, we purify our bodies and prepare our souls with wudhu, the ritual ablution, that we may stand...