The words “Guantanamo Bay” hardly need much introduction. Opened amongst the hysteria and bloodthirst of a post-9/11 world, this detention...
It does seem as though we have an obsession with lists, eh? :P Well, here’s another relevant subject forall of us living here in the West:...
Wit is the epitaph of an emotion. (Nietzsche) Intellectualism; in·tel·lec·tu·al –adjective devotion to intellectual pursuits. the exercise of the intellect. excessive emphasis on abstract or intellectual...
According to yesterday’s New York Times Sunday Magazine cover story, The Flight From Iraq, since 2003 the US has accepted 701 refugees from Iraq. The other...
Alhamdulillah, after much planning and preparation, last Saturday we had the Spanish language open house event “Hispanic Muslim Day” at Dar Al Hijrah with our guest...
As a third-generation washed-out-Desi Canadian Muslimah, I feel that I – and others in my situation – have a lot to mourn. I listen to what...
I was asked to write about the victory of Nicolas Sarkozy in the recent French presidential election. Not knowing too much about French politics, I was...
A previous post on this same subject had the speech broken in 10-part video. Those 10 have been combined in 2 videos for easier viewing. Comments...
My last name, Nasrullah, is actually my husband’s first name, the result of trying to fit a south Asian-style name into a western configuration. Of course,...
Cross-posted at Feel free to cross-comment ;) Update 1: “He railed against the United States, helped scout out military installations for attack, offered to introduce...
Right now I’m in the middle of reading Sheikh Yasir Qadhi’s book Du’aa: The Weapon of the Believer. Masha’Allah, it’s an amazing book with a great...