The Israeli genocide bagged perhaps its most elusive Palestinian victim with the confirmed assassination of Hamas military commander Muhammad Daif....
For Muslims, observing intermittent fasting is one of the core pillars of worship Allah has mandated upon us. “O you...
Here is the third and final part of this essay. Please see part 1 here and part 2 here. With religion playing such an important role...
One of the goals I have for this blog is to start a small series of posts aimed at reviving Sunnah’s that are insha’Allah easy to...
2 Big Announcements insha’Allah The first is the launch of the July AlMaghrib Radio Broadcast – Divine GPS by Shaykh AbdulBary Yahya on July 26th, focusing...
——– a good reminder from my class-mate—– Assalam alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu yaa ikhwaan fi-Llah, There were many Muslims with us last year who are...
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah, Hat-tip to the original website (and to Br. Nadeem, for pointing out the website) for bringing to light this extremely insightful 1952...
When someone says the word “masjid,” what’s the first thing that comes into your head? Is it a feeling of peace and tranquility as you recall...
The Times UK’s online faith editor has picked as one of the 30 most influential religious blogs, along with our brothers & sisters at Austrolabe....
The following entry is based off a milestone article by Irving Janis in the Psychology Today magazine, published in Nov. 1971 on Groupthink. “How could we...
This is the second of three parts of this essay. Please see the first part here. Look for part 3 next Friday! –MuslimMatters Ladies and Gentlemen, given...
You walk into the masjid for salah, and you see a group of about 15 people who you don’t normally see. They are influential people in...