The concept of Palestinian return encompasses not only refugees displaced by conflict but also millions in the diaspora who have...
My hardest Ramadan ever. “Reciting the Quran out loud got us punished.” Listen to Moazzam Begg speak about the hardship...
As Salaamu Alaikum I wanted to share the good news that Huda TV is now availabe online at: This is a great resource that is...
Of the acts of worship special to this month is that of I’tikaf. Allah (تعالى) mentions I’tikaf in one place in his book: أُحِلَّ لَكُمْ لَيْلَةَ...
Assessing our Ramadan As the last 10 nights are now upon us, it is time to re-evaluate where we have come so far. Two-thirds of the...
Keith Olbermann delivers a crushing blow to Horowitz. Apparently the ad used on a poster that is promoting this event of bigotry and religious intolerance displays...
I have often stated that anti-Muslim bigots are ALSO anti-black. The following two posts from the same source further prove my point This post is anti...
This is a bit of a change of pace from the Ramadan posts, but it’s a timely article that was recently in the New York Times...
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Ramadan is a time to make much du’a. In Surah al-Baqarah, verses 184-188 discuss fasting and Ramadan in considerable detail. In the...
Along the lines of Muslims making a positive impression, please check out this post at Tariq Nelson’s blog regarding humanitarian efforts by our brothers and sisters...
Probably the most intense component of salat is sajdah. No other position expresses worship and obedience as powerfully as bowing all the way down with your...
A very inspiring story, from Arab News (follow link for photo). What really inspired me – more than the story of this orphan teenage convert who...