Captain Yasin Rahman is hauled in front of a panel of officers for a debriefing, and is given a shocking...
If this doesn’t impress you, and get you excited in coming, then I am not sure what else could! :) If you are coming, and see/know...
Seems like Canada has been following suit in creating its own terrorist threats, in order to pad the security budgets and help fear-politics. Notice also how,...
The scenario is always chillingly the same with little variation. You – typically a Pakistani or Arab American (although generally any Muslim will do) – have...
assalamalaikum everyone Our last open thread worked out just fine. So, here it is again. Much happening around the globe: new PM in Pakistan, IlmFest next...
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi gave a khutbah at Islamic Foundation masjid in Villa Park, IL last Friday. He was in town to attend the Americal Oriental Society’s...
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Ali Shehata will be joining MM as a specialist writer. One of the interesting things we want to share...
Among the few situations that would amount to ‘million dollar questions’ is “what do the Muslims really mean to the current presidential contenders”? Reading between the...
5 Parts in this post. 1. Struggles of the Predecessors in Preserving the Sunnah [google 2018514120529642467]
Back in the mid 90s, when I was a newly single mom living a life that swung between elation at my freedom from an oppressive marriage...
A good look at some of the conditions inside Guantanamo. Confessions of a Gitmo Guard By DEBBIE NATHAN A psychiatrist who has treated former military...