In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful Evil thoughts savaged me from every angle, more intensely than I...
This article has been adapted from a Talk by Mufti Abdul Rauf Sakhrawi (DB), Darul Uloom Karachi on Maulana Ashraf...
All the talk about Obama’s minister Wright and his big mouth. But hardly a squeak about McCain’s extremist endorsers and guides. After the endorsement from one...
Music is haram. Music is halal. … and the debate continues ad infinitum. I recently listened to a lecture called ‘The End of Music’ by Kamal...
A few weeks ago I was scheduled for endoscopic sinus surgery and a septoplasty. Since moving to Houston I have suffered from chronically clogged sinuses and...
| Intro | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3a | Part 3b |Part 4 | Part 5 | What about Islam and Jihad? The...
Share your useful suggestions, tips and tricks… OR share whatever else is on your mind. Here are some past ones: Wondrous Cell Phones! Muslim Man’s Guide...
More updates: I have adjusted the post a bit to give credit where credit’s due, and because it is being wrongly perceived by some. Important Update...
As I was formulating my thoughts on this post, I finally got around to burning a certain lecture by Yasir Qadhi on CD and listening to...
As we posted earlier, one of our Imams, Imam Qatanani will become another victim of Israeli influence in America, if we don’t do anything. The mere... has exposed us to yet another example of inhuman behavior perpetrated by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Apparently, while occupying Lebanon during the Civil War...
It’s that time of the year again – sunshine, spring fever, allergies and oh yes, the hype of graduation for high school seniors! Few students can...