How colonization derailed the course of Islamic education in Nigeria was covered previously in Part 1 By the late 1980s,...
By Mariam E. When an ear of corn is plentifully heavy with seed, it tilts and leans over. But if it is unfilled and light,...
Submitted by Amir “MR” The Nigerian government might want to try to combat email scams instead of going to a village and killing people at random....
Bismillah Every believer suffers from weak or low emaan once in a while; as the Prophet said, “Emaan wears out in one’s heart, just as the...
Submitted by Amir “MR” So America, UK and the rest of the NATO/Allied forces are fighting for Israel. When will the voters wake up! I don’t...
Guest article by Amer Haider (Feedback from Muslim Matters Senior Associate J. Hashmi follows the article) When the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdullah, and his...
One bitterly cold and windy weekend here in Washington DC, a friend and I decided to visit the U.S. Botanic Garden, which is located indoors. We...
We’ve all had this happen to us before: A meeting runs late, or you were caught in traffic, or perhaps you were taking a finals exam...
The recap is a bit dated now. We apologize to the writers for the delay in this article’s posting. -MM The Muslim Students Association of Queens...
Guest post by Tamim Popalzai Please make sure to first read Part 1 and Part 2. Part III – Consideration & Courage Start: Video #5 – ...
By Mariam E. She repeatedly tossed and turned in her sleep. After all, it wasn’t her comfortable bed at home. Her mattress was very close to...