What if you believed with conviction that Ramadan was a life-changing month of opportunities, blessings, and forgiveness, and that this...
Alhamdulillah, Bayyinah is proud to introduce the DREAM program – a program where students will experience ten months of intensive study, which will equip them with...
Are God and Islam Provable: Part 1 | Part 2 By Hamdija Begovic The Question of Atheism and Rationality Living in the West, particularly Europe, one...
“For twenty years I waged Jihad against myself. I struggled, all throughout to remain standing in prayer at night. For those twenty years I never tasted...
Statistics on Muslim-Americans are notoriously imprecise. Demographic figures especially tend to be either bloated or truncated depending on who’s carrying out the study. Yet, some reliable data...
Report: British Soldiers Using Models of Mosques for Target Practice While a military spokesman denied the structures were meant to be mosques, he defended the use...
Welcome to the another edition of MuslimMatters.org’s regular Islamic Art feature. If you want to see your work on MM, then either email us your images...
One child, and mother left to bring back home. I hope and pray that this is not some grand trick (with Pakistan government you never know),...
This is really sad. Whatever happened to the justice and law of Democracy that Obama and the American government claim they represent? Assassinating American citizens is the Democratic way?...
Father of USS Cole victim can display anti-Islam decals Jesse Nieto’s son was killed in the terrorist attack. Mr. Nieto, a civilian employee at a Marine...
Photos Raise Questions About Shooting of Cuffed Muslim Leader Medical Examiner Photos Also Show Deep Lacerations on Face By BETH TRIBOLET and SHARAF MOWJOOD April 7,...