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Saudi Gazette: How Western journalists reported the ban on burqa


Sabria S Jawhar shares her insight into the Burqa ban issue. Quoting from her article:

The only journalist lazier than an Arab is a Westerner. I can’t think of a single reported instance of a Western newsperson asking a burqa-clad woman her opinion until someone bothered to ask Afghan lawmaker Shinkai Karokhail for a comment. Not surprisingly, she said the only thing she finds more “appalling” at being forced to wear a burqa is a law banning it.
All of this brings me back to the Beirut journalism workshop, which was filled with young, university-educated Muslim women. Many of these ladies wore hijabs and many wore the burqa, or abaya, in their native countries.

These women are visible and have an opinion worth considering. Yet they are virtually ignored by the media. These women simply don’t exist when lawmakers consider punitive laws affecting them and the cultural traditions they hold close to their heart.

The nature of journalism is to tell a story of conflict. No better example can be served than the burqa ban. Yet journalists can serve the international community better if it employed just a few of the goals of Search for Common Ground by seeking collaborative solutions to issues, and at the same time hold lawmakers and the Taliban accountable for the oppressive measures they force on Muslim women.

Source: Saudi Gazette

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Ameera is a final-year medical student and blogger based in Karachi, Pakistan. Having been born and raised in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, her approach towards her Deen has always been rooted in a basic understanding from authentic sources, which was further polished during a three-year weekend course at Al Huda Institute. Her interests, though, seem to know no bounds and range from a passion for the culinary arts and travelling, as well as following current affairs and global happenings. She feels being able to be part of MuslimMatters is one of the major blessings of Allah(swt) upon her, for it has given her a chance to learn and grow. She also maintains her personal blog at



  1. Sayf

    May 24, 2010 at 11:53 AM

    Sometimes I have a hard time believing Western media is this stupid. They know very well why they aren’t talking to the women themselves, just a few human stories on the local / national news highlighting what they have to say is enough to put this thing to bed.

    • Ameera

      May 24, 2010 at 2:29 PM

      People will think and believe what they *want* to believe. As simple as that. When you intentionally put on tinted glasses through which to see the world around you, a certain tint is all that you’d see.

      • Brother

        May 24, 2010 at 6:30 PM


        Nailed it with the “stupid” part.

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