Here are some fun and easy Ramadan activities to try with your little ones this year!
By Anon: Cross-posted from AE The Tablighis, easy target for criticism, Attacks against them launched with cynicism, Politically unaware, intellectually docile, Painted by some as simplistically...
The right-wing blasted off into the outer realms of sanity by fearmongering about the Missile Defense Agency’s decision to revamp its logo from this: To this: Free...
A Sign of Empire Pathology: More US military personnel have taken their own lives than have died in action Here is a shocking statistic that you won’t...
Palestinians in the West Bank town of Hawara awoke on Wednesday to find a blue star of David painted on the outside of their mosque, after...
Setting the stage Tariq Ramadan is a big draw wherever he speaks, whatever the topic. It’s not surprising, then, that his first ever speaking engagement on...
For those who are not acquainted with the city of Tarim: It is one of the main cities in the southern Yemeni province of Hadramout. It...
By Hena Zuberi The Day of Silence, which is sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), fast approaches. This year it will take...
It’s official: according to none other than this journal of record, the 12-year old child “left outside a house in Karachi [on Sunday, April 4, 2008]...
I’m trying to figure out the difference between Ann Coulter and Anwar Al Awlaki. There doesn’t seem to be much. Other than, of course, that one...
It is with a heavy heart that we convey to you news of the passing away of a renowned and much-loved scholar of the Ummah, Dr...