Purpose The reason we are writing this post is because all attempts to meet with Imam Nick and resolve his...
MuslimMatters’ Editor-in-Chief Hena Zuberi talks to C. Islaah Abd’al-Rahim and Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Heshaam Jaaber, two African American Muslim elders,...
The issue surrounding the validity of voting from an Islamic, and even secular, position will always be debated. However, with the UK General Elections being held...
Bismillah One day in the Masjid of the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) ibn Mas’ood (radi Allahu anhu) was praying while the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi...
Guest-post by Loga’Abdullah, originally posted here. Below that is audio of a panel discussion with ulema in South Africa (uploaded on Youtube by Dawud). Bismillah. At...
Alhamdulillah (thank God), an act of terrorism with potential of causing significant harm in New York has been averted. A crude car-bomb was planted in a...
Innalhamdolillah. They called them Barbarossa, Italian for “Red Beard.” The Europeans called them pirates, too, and wikipedia still does to this day. You have to scroll...
Innalhamdulillah. And alhamdulillah, instead of the s-word it was the g-word that took me there. No, not jinn — I can spell, you know. And not...
Salam everyone. Sorry to all the readers for a lack of Arts post these past few weeks, which can be blamed on major computer malfunctions. I’ve...
We’ve all been there. That situation where our parents are displeased with us for choosing to study a subject other than Medicine or Engineering at university. Or,...
In many verses of the Quran the human being has been described by Allah as being created in the best form, or created perfectly: “We have...
Associated Press Writer= PARIS (AP) — A Muslim Frenchman at the center of a firestorm over polygamy said Monday that keeping mistresses is the French way...