Ramadan preparations can be both exciting and nerve-wracking for Muslim families. There’s a sense of anticipation and joy as we...
Source: The Guardian By Shelina Zahra Janmohamed A report is being launched today focusing on mosques that have demonstrated good practice in relation to women’s involvement...
More than a dozen senators and over 60 members of the House of Representatives have issued statements since the flotilla interception last Monday, with almost all...
بسم اللّٰہ الرحمٰن الرحیم This article has been written to highlight the harmful effects not just on the Earth that we live in, but also the...
Bad-boy network Comedy Central, which has been looking more like a milksop in a little Lord Fauntleroy suit since censoring episodes of “South Park” in April,...
It’s been a while since I’ve watched (I mean really engage and watch) a kids puppet show (well, except for the occasional mocking of RNC Chairman...
http://tiny.cc/IsraelAdmitit (this takes you to the REAL google site. If it doesn’t work, click here. You can type Israel Admits yourself too in google). Courtesy...
As it retreats into greater indifference toward global opinion, Israel has come to rely on cynical appeals to American technophiles and evangelical Christians. Spencer Ackerman on...
This past Monday, Fatima Thompson and I were interviewed for an article in the Muslim Link about the Pray In movement, which seeks to follow the...
Update: Picture updated to add “his father works for Hamas”. It is obvious that many of the American pundits and politicians live in a different world...
To read Charles Krauthammer today is to enter a twilight zone of an alternate reality. A country permanently occupying and colonizing a neighboring region, and treating...