This Ramadan, MuslimMatters is pleased to host the Institute Of Knowledge‘s daily Ramadan series: Heart To Heart. Through this series,...
Recap Posts: July 23 July 24-25 July 26-27 July 28-29 July 30-Aug 1 Friday, July 23rd, 2010 I arrived at my hotel after a peaceful and...
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم “Diapers cost a lot,” said my friend, when we met on her visit to her home country five months after she had...
Ramadan Preparation As the sacred month of fasting is around the corner, please share with us what is the best way in your opinion to prepare...
Ummah Films became a household name due to the popularity of the vlogs produced by the comical Baba Ali. They have now released their second short...
There are moments in life, unexpected, that unfold before our eyes, leaving us in wonder over the Power of the Almighty, subhanahu wata’ala. Sometimes, Allah sends forth a person who...
Written by Safia Farole, our newest MuslimMatters Associate writer. Please welcome sister Safia! Safia was 4 years old when, by the mercy of Allah, she was...
By NPR’s Louisa Lim: Female Imams Blaze Trail Amid China’s Muslims (text and audio versions available on NPR’s website) It is 5:50 in the morning, and...
My son Khalid was born with autism, a neurological disorder with complex genetic causes and no known cure. He woke up crying every two hours from...
By P.J. Aroon of Foreign Policy magazine: Can you even begin to imagine the heartache of watching your newborn baby being tossed into the sea? That’s...
I recently posted an article entitled “The Ease and Simplicity of Islam“. It was actually one chapter of a booklet I wrote but did not publish...