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JTA: Israeli soldiers probed for looting flotilla ships


August 18, 2010

(JTA) — Israel’s military is investigating an IDF officer and soldier suspected of selling goods they confiscated from the Gaza flotilla after the May 31 raid.

Military police are investigating whether an officer sold items to another soldier that were confiscated from the ships while they were docked in Ashdod, Ynet reported. Three soldiers already have admitted they bought laptops from the second soldier, who was arrested Monday night.

The probe comes as a number of Israeli and international committees are investigating the incident.

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“The investigation has just begun, but as it appears now it will prove embarrassing and shameful,” a high-ranking Israeli officer said, according to Ynet.

The officer and soldier have not appeared before court yet. Police say they will make more arrests but did not give details, according to the report.

Not long after the flotilla incident, passengers aboard the ships complained that credit cards, cell phones and other equipment had been confiscated and used. At the time, an IDF spokesman said all personal items had been sent out of the country.

An investigator said that if it turns out the items were taken from the ships, the activists would be compensated.

Source: JTA

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Muslim American born in Brooklyn, NY with Guyanese parents currently living in Virginia working full-time as a web developer.

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