In a world inundated with messaging that contradicts Islamic values, how can Muslim parents successfully parent with purpose? Whether it’s...
This year Ramadan coincides with back to school for many families. Realizing that many of our Muslim brothers and sisters do choose the public school...
What\’s in Your Ear? is an occasional Saturday series where we ask Muslims, both ordinary and extraordinary, a few simple questions: 1. What are you listening...
Updated 12:49 EST July 24 The accused has reportedly admitted his involvement in the attack on Utoya Island, where he dressed as a policeman. This attack...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 In our previous parts, we discussed the travel distance required to be considered a traveler. In this article, we shall discuss the...
by Khalid Yahya Blankinship Crossposted from Lampost Productions Question: Didn\’t the Muslim caliphate or khilâfah end in 1342 AH/1924 CE, when Turkey abolished the office? Didn\’t...
Not all conservative Christians think the same way. It is refreshing and heartwarming to hear Christian leaders such as the head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s...
Fill in blanks..”{?} babies can justifiably be killed {by ?} if it is clear they will grow up to pose a threat”. Choices: Jews, Palestinians Well,...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 When I had offered the Fajr prayer on the 50th morning...
An interesting observation that comes to notice as one studies the Qur\’an, is that the stories of the Prophets of Allah (peace be upon them) and...
Alhumdulilah, I was blessed some months ago with the opportunity to interview Dr. Tariq Ramadan, a luminary thinker, academician and international speaker on Islam and Muslims in modern...