The concept of Palestinian return encompasses not only refugees displaced by conflict but also millions in the diaspora who have...
You’ve been hanging onto the edge of your seats for this final installment in the “You Found ‘The One’ In...
UZ: Tell us a little bit about yourself (your background, where you grew up, etc). IA: I am 30 years old, raised in Northwest London. I hold a BA in...
As you may or may not hear, movie theatres across America this weekend are premiering the movie, “Noah,” starring Russell Crowe. Several of my Muslim friends...
Lecture by Shaykh HamzaYusuf | Transcribed by Anonymous [The following is the video and transcript of Shaykh Hamza Yusuf’s lecture entitled ‘Fair Trade Commerce for a...
This is Part 2. Part 1 is here. See the Story Index for a chronological guide to all the stories. Alice watched Mo leave the restaurant with a...
[iframe style=”border: none” src=”//” height=”360″ width=”640″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe] Direct download in mp3 Format Podcast Episode 5 This episode is brought to...
You’ve no doubt attended a wedding where the invitation read “no boxed gifts” – in fact, you may have even held such a wedding yourself. The...
The Importance of Incorporating Qur’an in Our Daily Lives by Zoha Khan Between waking up before Fajr to go to school, all of my classes, tests,...
Lecture by Dr. Yasir Qadhi | Transcribed by Zohra This is Part 3 of the sīrah series, click to read Part 1 and Part 2 [The following is the video...
Increasingly as of late, we’ve heard horror stories from Muslims around the US and Canada, who have poured their hard-earned savings into Hajj packages only to...
This story can be read on its own, but is more properly read as a sequel to the previous stories, especially “Kill the Courier”. If you...