After a post by an Imam, American's only black date farmer is happily flooded with orders from Muslims.
By Karim Serageldin When I was seven-years-old I used to attend a halaqa that focused on “the Islam of No’s”. One summer day upon entering class, my...
“None of us like judgmental people. But we are all, to a certain extent, judgmental people. After all, one must be judgmental to even judge others...
Pop psychology has this unique ability to take the worst of philosophical sophistry, combine it with the shoddiest research methods, and spit out ill-begotten, yet Scientific™,...
Reem Shaikh is a 17-year-old Muslimah from Houston. She finished memorizing Qur’an when she was seven and then traveled to Egypt to learn Arabic. She was...
The globalization of the National Basketball Association has been a multi-layered process: part geographic, part linguistic, part stylistic and part philosophical. Not only has the league...
For mature audience only: Intimacy Matters with Haleh Banani, Umm Reem Saba Syed and Hena Zuberi | Part 3: Video for Part 3: [youtube][/youtube] Faulty cultural...
See Previous parts: FearBusters: Conquering our Fears, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Part 5: Fear of Old Age On the verge of approaching forty, I...
If all goes well, Haroon Mota will cross the finish line at the 2015 London Marathon about two hours after the winner would have broken the...
As-salaamu alaykum, I will be sharing with you 1 outstanding dua’a learned through 1 outstanding story, in shaa Allah. The family of Abu Salamah –may Allah...
Sleeping bag, flashlight, rain poncho. The list of items needed for my daughter’s weekend trip to Girl Scout camp stretched on and on. Non-scented chap stick-so...