Since the first Gaza solidarity encampment launched at Columbia University on April 17, 2024, college students around the county have...
قد يكون الصمت في موضع ما صمتٌ من إخلاص، ولكن يكون ذلك الصمت تكلّفا وتصنّعاً ونفاقاً عند آخروقد يكون الكلام في موضع ما دلالة على الرياء،...
By Margari Aziza Hill When 14-year-old Sudanese American Muslim Ahmed Mohamed brought a homemade clock to MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas, he thought he was going...
[dropcap size=big]L[/dropcap]ove is difficult to measure; it is dynamic, beautiful, dangerous, bittersweet, fluctuating, and abstract. It can lead you to the highest clouds of happiness, but...
According to quite a few critics of Wednesday night’s GOP debate, it went too long and was too focused on Trump (again). .. After taking 16 pages...
As-salaamu alaykum, Are you in debt, soon will be or know someone that is? If yes, then the following dua (supplication) is surely, in shaa Allah,...
Therefore, if you are trying to save money for a large expense at some point in the future – Hajj, retirement, higher education for you children,...
Dear Son, You are ten and we haven’t had the talk yet. I don’t mean the talk about puberty or sex ed, that we have been...
By Ahmed Shaikh As the population continues to get older and the elderly live longer, elder abuse is a large and growing problem in the United...
Within this series on MuslimMatters I would like to show readers how life in India is for an American. I hope to do this by writing...
As the new school year starts many teachers need to set aside some time to reflect on why they teach. A new set of expectations, a...