American election day is tomorrow, November 5th, and Muslim Americans have a lot to think about when it comes to...
He let the vision go, feeling a moment of dizziness as he did so. He stood stock still until the dizziness passed and the world resolved...
“Nikah is part of my sunnah, and whoever does not follow my sunnah has nothing to do with me.” –Muhammad , Narrated by Aisha Many Muslims...
Once, while in class at college, an Arab girl I was sitting next to said quite loudly to another, “Hey, give this paper to the ‘abdah”...
Lumping an entire people together for collective punishment, reveling in their suffering, and sniggering at their food choices isn’t an exercise in science, Sunnah, or compassion....
Changing the factual past in an attempt to gain political authority is one of the paradoxes of modern populism, where the target audience is presented a...
“O Friend, the cloth from which your burial shroud will be cut may have already reached the market and you remain unaware.” Abu Hamid al-Ghazali’s words...
Our Muslim community is one whose existence, contrary to popular misconception, is predicated on the establishment of peace. – Imam Zaid Shakir
The reality across America is that too many people have used the masjid to serve their own egos, fulfill their desires for power, and give themselves...
Filing a lawsuit - against anyone at all - didn't feel right, but the lawyer was an expert in these matters, and Samira seemed adamant as...
Africa is a blessed continent with resources and biodiversity that would impress anyone. Africa’s history in Islam (while neglected) played a major role, it was home...