Many of us love reading fiction for leisure. There’s nothing like curling up with a good book or mindlessly cleaning...
The events of the past two weeks have highlighted the disastrous outcomes that emerge when racism and white supremacy interplay with police brutality. The unbridled aggression...
“So another hijabi social media influencer removes her hijab, and social media platforms go into a complete frenzy with people jumping quickly to take sides- some...
When COVID-19 hit, Muslim communities across the world were faced with some of the most painful decisions that we’ve had to make – to close our...
Now that we have learnt about Prophet Musa and overcoming fear, let’s now talk about Prophet Adam and the Shaytan. Adam and Shaytan both made mistakes,...
When tracing the political genealogy of modern India after its partition in 1947, historians identify the two defining principles used by the state as secularism and...
The history of Black Muslims seems to be trapped between Bilal and Malcolm X. While these are particularly bright supernovas in the pantheon of giants from...
Beware of the supplication of the oppressed, for there is no barrier between it and Allah (Sahih al Bukhari 4090) “Mama!” “I can’t breathe.” A gut-punch...
Now that we have learnt about gratitude, let’s talk about Prophet Musa and overcoming fear. I want you to close your eyes and think of a...
Now that we have learnt about the dua’ of Umm Salama, let’s talk about gratitude. Question: Let’s all go around and state a few things we’re...
Your Black Muslim friends are not okay. Your Black Muslim relatives are not okay. Your Black Muslim coworkers are not okay. Your Black Muslim congregants are...