Psychology Meets Islam Haleh Banani will help you to heal, grow and prosper by combining the principles of psychology with the light of the Quran and...
Who are you? You have always been there; long before I was born, or even my parents, for that matter. They say your roots go back...
From Yahoo News SALT LAKE CITY – A polygamous family made famous by the reality TV show “Sister Wives” plans to challenge the Utah bigamy law...
By: Mehmudah Rehman Ever been in love? Stayed up nights thinking about the object of your adoration? Ever felt the helplessness, the vulnerability of falling in...
Bismillah walhamdolillah. On July 11, Allah gave me tawfeeq through an online article to find new respect for my profession, and specifically for that segment of...
“Islamic Relief hasn\’t used the words starvation and famine in any of their appeals over the past decade. What is happening in East Africa now due...
Assalamualaikum kids! Last Saturday, we gave you a hint about today’s special MKM post and here it is! Guess what? Summer’s just got way more exciting...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Continued from Part 1 1.5 The Distance in Modern Measurements So what exactly does a ‘day’s journey’ mean? Not surprisingly, there is no easy...
By Waleed Ahmed As the Middle East continues to be enveloped in political turmoil and media outlets bombard us constantly with new information, I, for one,...
His left arm was long, much longer than other men’s arms, because he was much taller than other men. It was also well shaped, the forearm...