It was my pleasure to write this article at the request of Shaykh Waleed Basyouni for distribution to students in his upcoming course, Fiqh of Love,...
My wife had a bit of sore throat today and needed some rest. Normally, I’d watch the kids (destroy the house) and order food for lunch and dinner,...
 Yup, that’s right – this article is about the two most popular subjects on everyone’s minds right now… Ramadhaan AND marriage! Is that a gasp...
Nikāḥ kitāba, otherwise known as katb al-kitāb or “celibate marriage,” has become an increasingly common and preferred way of marriage for many young Muslim couples. A...
After discovering an article titled “A Few Good Men: American Muslim women bemoan lack of ‘good’ male suitors“, I was oh-so-kindly “volunteered” by my fellow MM...
The Toronto Star has had a flurry of articles recently which have caught the attention of many Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Before continuing, the articles are...
Shadi season is just around the corner, and many practicing Muslim families will be asking themselves whether or not they should fully separate their wedding parties...
In my career as an instructor of “Fiqh of Love” and “Love Notes” with AlMaghrib Institute, the activity and survey sessions conducted in the class environment...
*Please note that the opinions expressed in this post, like all op-ed pieces on MM, represent the viewpoint of the author, and are not necessarily endorsed...
Here’s a brief summary of a few of Sunday’s TDC talks, from our “reporter in the field”, Ahmad Al Farsi– Sex Ed., Domestic Harmony and Meet...