The following is what has happened in Louisiana as a result of Hurricane Gustav. Please see the pictures and video below This is an email I...
I was shocked to learn that Israel is a major producer and exporter of dates to the European market! They are grown in the Jordan Valley,...
assalamalaikum MM is over a year old, and over this year, we have received, and in many cases implemented, various suggestions from our most valuable asset–...
This is a release sent to MuslimMatters. Please cross-post this on your blog or email lists to raise awareness. This is an important project with a...
Stop Bill C-50 from being passed! Bill C-50 is an alarming piece of legislation that every Canadian who believes in fairness, openness and multiculturalism should oppose....
As we posted earlier, one of our Imams, Imam Qatanani will become another victim of Israeli influence in America, if we don’t do anything. The mere...
Br. Kashif sent us the following email, stating that “[He] received a letter from Ali al-Timimi recently. I [Kashif] wanted to share the closing paragraph with...
Alhamdulillah, we are a nation that loves to give sadaqah, which explains why there are countless numbers of Muslim-lead charity events and organizations out there, that...
Sister Bint Ali sent us this document about Imam Qatanani, who has become yet another victim of Israel’s strong influence in this country. We should all...
For those who stubbornly insist that Islamophobia is nothing but a figment of the Muslim imagination (read this: Islamophobia Part-1: It Exists), ABC News has pretty...