While we are all worried about the recession, and many people are facing tough times with downturned businesses and lay-offs, we are still taught to say...
An average of 42 points per game, Passing Rebecca Lobo’s 17-year-old Massachusetts high school mark of 2,710 career points is about as easy as bumping Julie...
Part 1 The following simplification is needed before we engage in a healthy dialogue about the proper scope, strategy and execution of Arabic educational ventures regardless...
DIGG | REDDIT Early in 2008, Yale University announced that the former Prime Minister of the UK, Tony Blair, had just been hired to teach an...
More and more Muslim parents in the west are now voicing their desire to give their kids a quality Arabic education; something they themselves didn’t have....
As some of you may know, I am enrolled in an Islamic Finance course at Wharton. The Professor, Michael McMillen is a renowned expert, with an...
My wife had a bit of sore throat today and needed someย rest.ย Normally, I’d watch the kids (destroy the house)ย and order food for lunch and dinner,...
The first tutorial covered Digg and Reddit, for this one insha’Allah we’ll take a closer look at StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon is a very interesting (and addictive) tool...
Lessons from the financial crisis we are seeing. Download [audio:http://muslimmatters.org/audio/an/AbdulNasir%20Jangda%20-%20Muslim%20Perspective%20on%20Current%20Financial%20Crisis.mp3]