Here’s some more TV goodness from Huda TV of Egypt recorded during Yasir Qadhi’s visit there in May 2008. YQ sat with the TV channel for...
We have just received word that Imam Warith Deen Muhammad passed away today, rahimuhullah. Here is an update from the Associated Press: CHICAGO (AP) โ A...
Lots of Ramadan activity lately. Here’s a recap of some of what we have posted at MM this month since its been pretty hectic here lately....
We posted a Khutbah a while back by Sh. Yasir Qadhi entitled Uncomparable Love. The transcript for that khutbah is below. May Allah (swt) reward...
The following is a transcript of the Ramadan conference call (Audio can be downloaded here) that MM organized last year with Shaykh Yaser Birjas and Shaykh...
We previously covered the story of Imam Qatanani in New Jersey here and here. Alhamduillah they have ruled in his favor. This is another piece of...
MuslimMatters is pleased to announce the addition of Imam AbdulNasir Jangda from the Dallas, TX area. Those who were at IlmSummit will know him from his... Presents: Co-Sponsors: AlMaghrib Institute & Texas Dawah Convention (TDC) Nights of Power: Short Tales of Inspiration. Ramadhaan is the best and most blessed of months,...
Link to Full Coverage of Dr. Aafia’s Ordeal Sr. Sahira attended the Press Conference and provided the following notes & action-items. Photos and news report of...