Charity, Charity, Charity. A word that seems to echo throughout the masjid halls during this auspicious month of Ramadan. Words that seem to be snuck into...
A woman in her 30s in a headscarf hails the worshipers as they leave Eid salah. Feeling a curious mix of guilt and joy, most don’t...
I’ve got three really good reasons why you shouldn’t give me any money, and one really bad one. But first, some background information. I’ve been leading...
I have a special relationship with the Philippines- even though I doubt the islands know. When my son was diagnosed with autism and my husband and...
Alhamdulillah, the blessed Hajj season and Eid al-Adha are quickly approaching. Remember the story of Prophet Ibrahim ? His willingness to sacrifice something so dear to him—his...
Link to all Ramadan 2012 posts Assalamu ‘alaykum, There are posts on MuslimMatters that we believe are overlooked gems that NEED to be read, especially by...
The devastation brought by the recent rains in the province of Sindh in Pakistan has brought major misery to its people already struggling to recover from...
Last Updated: October 05, 2011 The floods that hit Pakistan in 2010 were the worst in the history of the country, submerging nearly a fifth...
Assalamu ‘alaykum, There are posts on MuslimMatters that we believe are overlooked ‘gems\’ that NEED to be read, especially by our new readers. The link to...
An exclusive Ramadan reminder from our dear Shaykh Ibrahim Dremali. This was especially recorded for you, our MM family. Once you finish watching the video, please...