Translation of a brief article by Sh Ahmad Salim (حفظه الله) In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Grantor of Mercy. Shaytân’s highest achievement...
Love was in the air at the masjid on Valentine’s Day 2016. As a youth group teacher for our masjid’s Sunday School, I organized a panel...
To be Muslim in America is to be a direct beneficiary of the gorgeous triumph of Black Muslims since the inception of the young nation. On...
Dear Aunty, The biggest mistake I have seen mothers make when it comes to their daughters who are looking to get married is that mothers unreasonably...
“Too much admiration breeds contempt. It is better, I think, to just be understood.” —the character Salima in His Other Wife by Umm Zakiyyah ~ “It’s...
Author’s note: Writing on marriage always carries a certain burden of responsibility towards the audience. The writer is never sure who out there is reading under...
By Dunia Shuaib And those who say, “Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an...
“Anyone who asks a woman who has been married for several years and does not have a child ‘why?’ is a monster,” I think to myself...
“…So give me a call, Aliyah. I think this may be the one.” Aliyah rolled her eyes as she deleted the voicemail message then pressed the...
We live in turbulent times— there’s no doubt about that. Yet in this era of confusion, we’re witnessing a moment of revival for Muslims when it...